About Me

Hi, nice to meet you!
My name is Athanasios Topaltsis.

I am a full-stack software engineer currently studying Information Technology at York University, in Canada.

I am passionate for technology, specifically software development. I love to spend my free time coding and working on personal projects. I am always putting out my best work and love learning new things.

Java Logo CSS Logo Python Logo JavaScript Logo TypeScript Logo SASS Logo Git Logo Spigot Logo Spigot Logo Spigot Logo Spigot Logo Spigot Logo


Personal Projects

I love working on personal projects. I am always trying to improve my skills and learn new things. I dedicate lots of my free time to coding and working on projects, and am usually always working on something.

To-Do WebApp

A full-stack to-do web application built with React and Express. It stores user data in a MySQL database and uses local storage to restore the data when the user returns to the site.

URL Shortener

Shorten any url easily. The app works by returning a base-62 conversion of the entry's MySQL auto_increment database id, and setting that as the new shortened url path. Making is short and unique every time.


My most successful Minecraft plugin with thousands of downloads and many 5 star reviews. Tether allows players to attach a lead to any mob, and other players. It also supports fence post functionality.

Other Projects

See a full comprehensive list of all my projects.


Web Development

Web Development

Custom website development for your business or personal use.

I'll take care of everything.

  • Website Design
  • Development
  • Deployment (with a custom domain name!)
  • Maintenance & Upkeep

Some sites I've made:


A website for a fictional cafe. Incorporates a warm, retro-modern design.

Exipnos Hosting

A website for a cloud hosting company, originally made for a university project. Incorporates a modern techy design. (Desktop view only).



Private in-person or online tutoring for beginners.

Java Python Javascript HTML CSS
Java Python Javascript

If you're a student, or just want to learn a new amazing skill, this is for you!

We'll have one-on-one sessions (either in-person or online) where I'll teach you the basics of programming and help you get started on your journey.


If you would like to book a service, work with me,
or just have a question, reach out!